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November 8, 2020
[EP009] 3 Things You Need To Know To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

One of the major concerns when raising a special needs child is expenses. There are different ways to cover your expenses and entrepreneurship is one of them. In this episode, Christine Job joins the Parenting Cipher to share how you can launch a money-making business that can help you increase your income. By using your current skills and experiences.

October 10, 2020
[EP008] Amazing Interesting Facts you didn't know About Sickle Cell

In honor of Sickle Cell Disease month Elle Cole from Cleverly Changing graces the Parenting Cipher with her experience and knowledge of Sickle Cell Disease. You may be wondering why Sickle Cell Disease is important to People of Color when it seems like only a small amount of people have it. In this episode, Elle shines the light on why Sickle Cell Disease is important to our community even if we don't have the disease.

October 10, 2020
[EP007] How To Help Empower Your Child To Cope With Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is an existing fact that we deal with in our daily lives the best way we can. Even though we have our own coping skills. How do we raise our children with the skills to manage their anxiety starting today? Jodi Aman joins the Parenting Cipher and explains how anxiety shows up for your child and how to give them coping skills that will help them manage their anxiety. We also talked about how to support pre-teens and teenagers who are dealing with bullying and racism.

October 10, 2020
[EP006] How Important Is Speech In Your Children's World

In this episode, Darius the founder & chief executive officer of Dynamic Therapy, LLC, a speech-language pathologist joins us to talk about speech therapy and how it affects your child’s life.

Darius breaks down exactly how the speech therapist helps your child beyond articulation so that you can sit in an IEP meeting and be able to advocate more for your child.

October 10, 2020
[EP005] How To Have Great Conversations With Your Child

In this episode the show host Genie Dawkins talks about how to connect with your child through conversations. Connection is an essential part of her parenting coaching program. She gives a peek into the different ways that we connect with ourselves and family, most importantly our children.

By sharing her journey on how she has has learned how to create great conversations with her kids based on their likes not just her own.

October 10, 2020
[EP004] How To Keep Your Child Safe In A Digital World

Elizabeth Milivodov graces the Parenting Cipher with her Digital Parenting Coaching expertise by discussing how to take your parenting skills into the digital world. So you can gain control of the online devices while creating relationships with your kids.

October 10, 2020
[EP003] How Increasing Selfcare Will Help You To Become A Powerful Parent Advocate

In episode part 1 of 2 episodes with Lajoy Johnson-Law, parent advocate, and DC Board of Education Candidate, she talks about advocacy, self-care, and mental health. When you are a parent with special needs kids you can immerse yourself in your child’s care and unconsciously stop taking care of yourself.

September 6, 2020
How To Help Your Child Conquer Back to School Fear Of Bullying

Going into this new school year either virtually or in-person one of the conversations that we should have with our children is about bullying. Even though most schools will discuss bullying at some point. It’s important that we have these discussions with our children as well. When you have opens conversations with your child about bullying they are more apt to share with you when they are getting bullied or in situations that someone else is getting bullied.

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