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October 22, 2019

How can a Spirit Day Open Up Meaningful Conversations?

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When you have a child on the spectrum you learn they are all about immersing themselves in what Interests them.

On that note Asar decided this morning for spirit day at school he’s going 90’s hip hop.

Me: “ Are you doing East or West coast?”

Asar: What type of clothes did they wear ? What’s the difference?

I gave him a quick answer.

After school he gets in the car and says “ I’m doing East Coast rap. What do they wear again?”

Me: Look up N.W.A and when he does he asks “ Whose Eazy-E?”

Me: He’s a member of NWA with Dr. Dre and Ice Cube.

Asar: I know Ice Cube he was in the movie “Are We There Yet? “ 😂🤣

Creating a Supportive Space.png

When we get home he starts playing N.W.A and Ice Cube videos while he cleans his converse for tomorrow. 

I had to put a halt to most of them and explained to him that he can only listen to the clean (edited) versions.

We had a brief discussion about the racial and economic environment during they 90’s and how it influenced the West Coast rap style. I also emphasized that it’s just music and that his life isn’t like N.W.A’s and that he should not emulate that lifestyle. I’ve been reading book called “ Middle School Matters” by Phyllis Fagell and she mentions that Tweens are trying to figure out themselves out by testing your boundaries. By doing this they get an idea of your values.

Instead of telling him he could not listen to N.W.A. I explained to him why he was only allowed to listen to the clean version and provided context for the genre of music. Cultivating trust between us instead of putting him in a situation that would make him listen to it anyway and lie about it.

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